“Always two there are... a master and an apprentice” Yoda speaking of the Sith - The Phantom Menace
One of the benefits I anticipate will come out of a reduction in parasitism and the spread of the practice of full accounting is the restoration of quality to economic activity.
When this restoration occurs, the return to quality combined with improvements in automation intelligence (what often gets mislabeled as artificial intelligence) will provide an opportunity to shift into an expertise economy populated with subject matter experts. And, ironically to some, it will be the low IQ members who will become those subject matter experts.
We've all known or seen those guys who are marginal thinkers, but through a span of focused use or exposure have developed mastery over their specific area of expertise. The farm worker that is capable of performing a ballet on a tractor in a wheat field, laying down the field with surgical precision. Or that exterminator company employee that showed up one day and gave you a college-level dissertation about the Peleng Island Xanthurus Rat - but misspells the word exterminator...
These examples are what represent the direction I’m speaking of when I say AI combined with a high-value economy will be the path to becoming a subject matter expert for lower IQ folks - focus and mastery (higher IQ means you can master more things).
Automation means these guys will not be stuck applying glue to cardboard boxes in a factory. Instead, they find something that interests them and become the worldwide/location-wide expert in that single topic/part/sequence/job.
There are easily 5 billion specific topics in the known universe whose mastery could sustain a Subject Matter Expert or two. There are over 60 unique species of rat alone, and I am positive we will find many skill sets that need to have masters in place in many locations, so some skills will support dozens of subject matter experts.
The market, using yet more AI, connects the master to the dozen or so people who require that specific expertise each year that are willing to pay top dollar for that one skill:
A new farming initiative in a remote area that requires pulling a tractor around priceless cultural ruins might employ our farmer above.
A research project that needs a very specific behavior only found in the Peleng Island Xanthurus Rat might employ, at a high price, our former exterminator turned Rat Expert.
We use our education solutions and career prep to help identify an apprentice for each of these masters or help an apprentice identify themselves through interest and exposure. We do this to maintain the knowledge in the market and in the process keep adding to the number of lower IQ people fully engaged in that market.
The result is an economy based on a job market that operates like the Sith, with one master and one apprentice.